Must Have Supplements for Leaky Gut

Holding supplements in hand for gut healing

Struggling with healing your gut and wondering if you should be taking supplements to support you on your gut healing journey?

You’re not alone! This is a question I get all the time! 

There are so many options and information out there when it comes to supplements, it can be hard to know exactly which supplements you should be taking (if any!).

First let me start by saying that it’s always a good idea to work with a practitioner when choosing supplements to ensure that the supplement and dosage is right for you and that there are no contraindications.

Having said that, there are definitely a few supplements I generally recommend for gut healing that will help you feel balanced, improve digestion, and reduce bloating and inflammation.

In this blog post, we’ll explore my top 3 supplements that can help with your gut health and support your overall well-being!

If you’re wanting a more personalized supplement protocol, then my Gut Healing Deep Dive Package may be just what you need!

In just 12 weeks you’ll be able to boost your energy, and finally say goodbye to discomfort on your gut health journey.

Learn more about my Gut Healing Package here!


What is Leaky Gut?

Leaky gut, or increased intestinal permeability, is a condition where the lining of the small intestine becomes damaged, creating tiny openings that allow undigested food particles, toxins, and harmful bacteria to "leak" through the intestinal wall and enter the bloodstream.

Leaky gut can develop due to various factors, including a diet high in processed foods and refined sugars, chronic stress, and the overuse of antibiotics. These elements can disrupt the gut’s natural balance, weakening the intestinal lining and making it more susceptible to leaks

This can trigger inflammation and immune reactions, contributing to a range of issues, including bloating, food sensitivities, and even skin and mood problems.

Supporting the gut lining with targeted supplements can help restore its integrity, reduce inflammation, and improve overall gut health.


Supplement 1: Healthology Gut-FX

Gut healing powder supplement

The first essential supplement I always recommend for gut healing is Healthology Gut-FX.

Gut-FX is known for its powerhouse formula designed to repair and restore your gut lining, which is crucial for anyone dealing with gut inflammation, leaky gut, or food sensitivities.

Here are some more reasons why Gut-FX will be helpful for your gut healing:

Rebuilds Gut Lining

It contains ingredients like L-glutamine, which is key for repairing the gut lining, essential for reducing inflammation and sealing leaky gut.

Reduces Gut Inflammation

Gut-FX contains N-Acetyl-Glucosamine (NAG), which is a key player in supporting the health of your gut lining. NAG helps repair and protect the intestinal walls, making it especially beneficial for those dealing with leaky gut or inflammation in the digestive tract

Restores Good Bacteria

The probiotics in Gut-FX, including Bifidobacterium Animalis Subsp. Lactis and Lactobacillus Acidophilus, work to restore balance to your gut microbiome. A healthy microbiome is essential for proper digestion, nutrient absorption, and immune system support.

Supports Digestion

Gut-FX also includes herbs like marshmallow root and slippery elm, which support smooth digestion and ease any discomfort.

The recommended dosage for Healthology Gut-FX is 1 scoop daily, mixed with water. However, it’s best to work with a practitioner to determine the best dosage for your unique needs.

You can learn more about this supplement and get 15% off through my Fullscript Dispensary by clicking the button below.


Supplement 2: Thorne Advanced Digestive Enzymes

Gut healing supplement capsules

Another important supplement to consider for your gut health journey is Thorne Advanced Digestive Enzymes.

These enzymes help break down your food more efficiently, ensuring that your body can absorb all the nutrients it needs while reducing bloating and discomfort after meals.

Here are some more reasons why Thorne Advanced Digestive Enzymeswill be helpful for healing your gut:

Improves Nutrient Absorption

By supporting the breakdown of proteins, carbs, and fats, these enzymes ensure your body gets the nutrition it needs for healing.

Reduces Bloating and Indigestion

If you experience bloating or gas after meals, digestive enzymes can help by reducing undigested food in your system.

Betaine HCl

Betaine HCl mimics stomach acid to aid those with low stomach acid. This is crucial for breaking down proteins and ensuring optimal nutrient absorption, preventing issues like bloating or indigestion.

Now sure if you have high or low stomach acid? Try this test:

The Baking Soda Stomach Acid Test

  1. First thing in the morning, on an empty stomach, mix 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) in 4 ounces of room temperature water.

  2. Drink the baking soda solution.

  3. Set a timer and see how long it takes you to burp. If you have not burped within five minutes, stop timing.


  • Less than 30 seconds- means you have hyperchlorhydria or have too much stomach acid.

  • 30-119 seconds- means you have normal stomach acid.

  • More than 2 minutes- means you have hypochlorhydria or too little stomach acid.


If you do not burp, or are hypochlorhydria, then you can do the Apple Cider Vinegar Test.


Apple Cider Vinegar Test

  1. In the morning, on an empty stomach, drink 2 Tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in 4 oz. of room temperature water.


  • If it causes any burning, do not use an HCL supplement.

  • If it does not cause any burning, Betaine HCL with Pepsin should be ok to try.

Ox Bile

Another standout ingredient is oxbile, which helps break down fats effectively.

For individuals who have had their gallbladder removed, ox bile supplementation is especially important to assist in fat digestion, preventing bloating, gas, and nutrient malabsorption

Supports Digestion of Hard-to-Digest Foods

This supplement can assist with breaking down foods like dairy, gluten, and fatty meals that are often difficult for compromised guts.

The typical dosage for Thorne Digestive Enzymes is 1-2 capsules before each meal. When taking digestive enzymes, it's essential to follow the instructions on the label or consult with a practitioner if you’re unsure how much to take.

You can learn more about this supplement and get 15% off through my Fullscript Dispensary by clicking the button below.


Supplement 3: Cyto-Matrix Multi-Strain 50

The last valuable supplement to consider taking for gut healing is Cyto Matrix Multi-Strain 50 Probiotic Formula.

Probiotics are essential for replenishing the good bacteria in your gut, which can be depleted from things like antibiotics, stress, and poor diet. 

Here are some more reasons why Cyto Matrix Multi-Strain 50 will be helpful for healing your gut:

Restores Healthy Gut Flora

Probiotics help repopulate your gut with beneficial bacteria, which is essential for digestion, nutrient absorption, and immune health.

Supports Gut Barrier Integrity

A healthy balance of good bacteria helps maintain the integrity of your gut lining, protecting against leaky gut.

Reduces Inflammation

Probiotics help balance the bacteria in your gut, which can reduce inflammation and promote healing.

The recommended dosage for Cyto-Matrix Probiotics is 1 capsule daily. Always consult with a practitioner to determine the most appropriate probiotic strain and dosage for your needs. 

You might be noticing a pattern that it’s always a good idea to consult with a practitioner to determine the appropriate amount for you, and these probiotics are no different!

You can learn more about this supplement and get 15% off through my Fullscript Dispensary by clicking the button below.


Your Next Steps

When it comes to healing your gut, supplements can definitely play a positive role.

But while Healthology Gut-FX, Thorne Digestive Enzymes, and Cyto-Matrix Probiotics are amazing options and can help with reducing inflammation, improving digestion, and restoring gut health, remember that, supplements are just that: options to help ‘supplement’ your diet and lifestyle.

Supplements should never replace or take priority over a nutrient-dense, balanced diet, or healthy lifestyle habits!

If you need more support on your gut health journey, join me inside my Gut Healing Deep Dive, a 12-week personalized program to help you heal your gut, boost your energy, and feel amazing in your body!


3 Easy Habits to Help You Achieve Better Digestion & Reduce Bloating